Pedigree Database

International Bolognese Pedigree Database

We have dedicated quite some time over the last 6 years to investigate Bolognese pedigrees. We did this by using only reliable sources such as databases from Kennelclubs and paper pedigrees. We purchased and created a unique tool because it combines pedigrees from dogs worldwide. Next to this we were able to trace back a lot of pedigrees to first generation dogs. Herewith we can have the most reliable information about a dog’s genetic background. We can find out how many times certain dogs are present in a pedigree (some over 300 times!). We can calculate the Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) and the Ancestor Loss Coefficient (AVK). We can do trial matings to see what the puppies pedigrees would look like. We can see relevant health information (if provided by owner).

Breeders can insert their own litters and pedigrees of their dogs and litters. Pet owners can enter their dog and pedigree. All is checked before added to the database. This tool is free available for all serious breed enthusiastics. You need to make an account that has to be approved to avoid scammers and backyard breeders.

Find the International Bolognese Pedigree Database here! 
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